Mindfulness Classes in San Francisco

San Francisco Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class Starts October 25

Free introductory class on October 11 – Registration Coming Soon.

Our mindfulness classes in San Francisco provide participants with practical tools for living life with more ease, wisdom, joy, and effectiveness. Learn how to inhabit your life fully!

What students are saying about our classes:


Our 8-week classes in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) provide intensive training in a group setting. Other mindfulness classes include 5-week lunchtime workplace courses and workshops. Students of our mindfulness classes benefit in many ways, including:

  • Lasting Decrease in Stress Levels
  • Improved Self Esteem, Energy & Enthusiasm for Life
  • Enhanced Performance and Well-Being
  • Increased Ease in Coping with Challenging Situations
  • Increased Body Awareness & Connection to the Present Moment
  • Greater Ability to Disentangle Oneself from Thoughts & Self-Limiting Narratives
  • Cultivating new perspectives to open to the joy of being alive
  • Decreased Pain Levels & Greater Ability to Be with Pain that Won’t Go Away
  • Learning how to communicate with kindness, empathy, and presence
  • Applying mindfulness in everyday situations

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course Outline

The course in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction takes place over eight weeks. Classes are approximately 2 1/2 hours long and are held on a weekday evening. Each class consists of lead meditations, gentle movement exercises, didactic lecture, and group discussion. The course also includes an all-day class on a Saturday during the sixth week. The curriculum includes the following components:

  • Week 1: Introduction to Program ° Foundations of Mindfulness ° Body Scan meditation
  • Week 2: Working with perceptions ° The STOP exercise
  • Week 3: Introduction to Awareness of Breathing Meditation ° Mindful Lying Yoga ° Attention vs. Disattention
  • Week 4: Sitting Meditation ° Standing Yoga ° Research on Stress & Stress Hardiness
  • Week 5: Reacting vs. Responding ° Large Group discussion on Practice
  • Week 6: Avoiding Difficulty vs. Entering and Blending
    Daylong Session
  • Week 7: Learning How to Practice on One’s Own °Mindfulness in Everyday Life
  • Week 8: Course Review & Group Reflection

Contact Us

email info@stressreductionatwork.com
phone 415.767.5252